Postsecondary Education Support Services

What is PESS?

Postsecondary Education Services and Support is a program that will give you money to help you support yourself while you are attending school.

How do I qualify to be in PESS?

To qualify, at least ONE of the below must apply to you:

Be living in licensed care on your 18th birthday


You are currently living in licensed care (this can include both foster care and living with a relative/non-relative who has a level 1 license)


You were at least 16 years old when you were adopted  after being in licensed care for at least 6 months within the 12 months before being adopted


You were at least 16 years old when you were placed with a dependency court guardian after being in licensed care for at least 6 months within the 12 months before being placed with the guardian

You must also meet ALL of the below requirements:

  • Spend at least 6 months in licensed care before turning 18
  • Earn a high school diploma or GED
  • Have been admitted as a full time student (enrolled for at least 9 credit hours or vocational school equivalent) at a postsecondary school OR part time if you have a disability that prevents you from being enrolled full time OR another life circumstance that makes you unable to be enrolled full time with approval from your academic advisor
  • Be between 18 and 23 years old
  • Apply, with assistance from your caregiver and CBC, for any other grants and scholarships you may qualify for
  • Submit a Fee Application for Federal Student Aid
  • Sign an agreement to allow the CBC to access to school records.

What amount of money will I get in PESS?

You will get 1,720 per month if you are enrolled in PESS.

How will I get the money?

If you are enrolled in PESS, the 1,720  payment will be made to the CBC who will then pay your bills until you and the CBC decide you are able to pay the bills on your own. In some cases, you can be in both EFC and PESS, or PESS and aftercare. Talk to your case manager about your options.

Are there any other options if I am in school but do not qualify for PESS?

You may be eligible for an Education Training Voucher if you do not meet qualifications for PESS but are in school. Example: you are attending school out of state or are not enrolled in school full time. The amount of money for the voucher varies. Talk to your case manager about your options.

The Law

42 USC 677, Fla. Stat. sec 409.1451, Fl Admin Code 65-42.001

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