Staffings To Prepare For Adulthood

You should have at least one staffing (or meeting) each year starting at age 16 with the adults in your life (your case manager, your caregiver, guardian ad litem and attorney if you have one, your transition specialist, and any other adult supports) to help you prepare for your future. At this staffing you can get an update on what is going on with your case, you can discuss any needs you may have such as dental or doctor visits, mental health services, and normalcy activities. You may also discuss how living at your placement is going, the independent living skills you are working on and areas you may need more help in. You will also learn about all of the independent living services available to you. You should also be informed about the different options you have after you turn 18 including Extended Foster Care (EFC), Postsecondary Education Support Services (PESS) and Aftercare. You should continue to work on your transition plan to help you prepare for adulthood.

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