Sexual and Reproductive Health

What is a gynecologist? 

A gynecologist is a doctor that specializes in reproductive health. 

Will I be able to see a gynecologist?

Yes, you can see a gynecologist if you are having monthly cycle issues, are sexually active, need to be tested for a sexually transmitted disease (STD), or are interested in receiving birth control. If you are under the age of 18, you need to talk to your legal guardian to make an appointment.

No, what you talk to the doctor about is confidential, meaning it will not be told to anyone, unless you have told the doctor this is ok in writing. This might have been done at your first visit, so if you are unsure if you have told the doctor it is ok to talk to others about your medical info, ask your doctor if your conversations will be shared with anyone else. You can also tell your doctor that you would like to speak with them privately if someone else is in the room. If you report that you are being abused or neglected, doctors must report this. Make sure to ask your doctor about what might be shared with others if you aren’t sure.

How do I get birth control?

Your gynecologist will give you an exam of your reproductive parts and can prescribe birth control, which could be a pill you take once a day to stop you from becoming pregnant. Birth control can also come in the form of a shot, or something inserted into your body. There are many options, and you can talk to your doctor to figure out what is best for you. Be sure to talk with your doctor about whether you can get birth control at their office or have them mailed to your home. Birth control can also help with cramps and irregular periods. Make sure to talk to your doctor if you have any of these issues. If you are married, are a parent, are pregnant, or your doctor believes your health is in danger if you do not get contraceptive services, then you do not need permission from your parent or guardian to get birth control.

Does Medicaid pay for birth control?

Yes, your Medicaid plan pays for the cost of your prescribed birth control.

What is not paid for under Medicaid?

Medicaid does not pay for condoms or Emergency Contraceptive Pills (also known as the Plan B pill or the morning after pill). This pill is bought at a pharmacy in an emergency to prevent unplanned pregnancy if you are not on birth control already and must be taken within 72 hours of unprotected sex. Anyone can purchase Emergency Contraceptive Pills (Plan B) in Florida, even if you are under the age of 18. Medicaid will pay for medical treatment related to pregnancy, but Medicaid does not cover the cost of abortions. Many clinics will give you a low rate or provide an abortion at no cost to you if you have Medicaid.

What are my options if I am pregnant?

If you are pregnant, you have some different options. You should ask the court for an attorney to discuss your options. If you want to keep your baby, DCF should provide you with resources and support and a placement that will accept both you and your child. If you do not want to keep your baby, you can talk to your attorney about adoption, other placement options, or ending your pregnancy. In Florida, you can only end your pregnancy if:

If you are under 18, you can receive an abortion if the above qualifications are met AND:

  • You are married OR
  • You already have a child OR
  • You get a waiver through the court

DCF or anyone who works for DCF CANNOT consent to an abortion on your behalf if you are in DCF custody.

If you are under the age of 18 then the doctor is required to tell your parent or legal guardian at least 48 hours if you are getting the abortion. Telling your parent or legal guardian is not required if:

  • You are married
  • You already have a child
  • You have been legally emancipated,
  • You obtain a judicial waiver of notice through the court.

What is a Judicial Waiver of Notice?

A judicial waiver of notice is when the court decides you can end a pregnancy without notifying or getting consent of your parent. You must show to the court that you are mature enough to decide to end your pregnancy without involving your parent/legal guardian. You should ask for an attorney to help you with this.

To obtain a waiver of notice for an abortion, you need to file an anonymous petition (meaning not even your name will be on it) with the court along with a sworn statement by you stating your name, your address, your birth date, and the date of filing your petition. You can ask a trusted adult to help you with this. Your name will not appear on the petition, and your sworn statement will stay confidential (private) at all times. At no time will your filing be sent to a parent or legal guardian.  Instead, all court filings will be sent to a trusted person of your choice. You have the right to a lawyer, and the court will appoint one at no cost for you if you request to have one. It is also possible for your attorney in your dependency case to represent you in this hearing if they are able.

Three business days after you file your petition, the court will have a hearing. You may bring anyone you want to this hearing. Your attorney will also be in this hearing.  This hearing will be closed to the public and remain confidential (private) at all times. At the conclusion of the hearing, the court will enter an order either allowing you to waive notice of an abortion or denying the waiver.  You have the right to appeal any order if you do not agree with the judge’s decision.

The Law

Fla. Admin. Code R. 59G-4.030, Fla. Stat. sec. 381.0051,390.0111, 390.01114, 456.057, 984.19, Fla. R. Juv. P. 8.805, 8.815, 8.820

FosterPower provides information on the benefits, protections, and legal rights of children in Florida’s foster care system and does not include opinions. FosterPower is a non-partisan and independent project that is not affiliated with a government agency or organization. FosterPower is updated frequently, but you should always verify the law independently to ensure it is current.

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