Types of Benefits

What are Survivor Benefits?

Survivor benefits are benefits you may get if your parent died. There is no limit to the amount of money from survivor benefits you can have in your master trust account.

When are Survivor Benefits given out?

Survivor Benefits are paid after the death of the adult. These benefits end at age 18 for youth who have finished high school but can be paid through age 19 as long as the youth is going to high school full time.

Will I get Survivor Benefits after adoption?

Yes, even after being adopted, you can still get these benefits. If someone dies and his or her child is under the age of 18, the child can still get the social security money, even after adoption. The benefit amount is based on how much the person who died made at work — the more the person paid into Social Security, the more money there will be.

What are Old–Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) benefits?

OASDI benefits are like survivor benefits. The difference is that not only the children of the person who died are able to get the benefits, but also anyone else who was depending on the person receiving the benefits.

What are Social Security Disability (SSDI) Benefits?

You may receive SSDI benefits when a parent or guardian who has insurance is disabled and receives SSDI themselves. There is no limit to the amount you may have in the Master Trust account for SSDI benefits.

What benefits are available for youth with disabilities?

(1) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – Your case manager should apply for SSI benefits if it is believed you have a disability that will qualify. Some mental health diagnoses can qualify for SSI benefits. Youth who receive SSI as children must apply again as adults to continue getting the benefits after age 18. You can apply for adult SSI six months before your 18th birthday

(2) Childhood Disability Benefits (CDB) – benefits for adults with disabilities whose parents are retired, died, or have a disability that began when they were children (prior to age 22) and whose parents worked and paid social security taxes and are now either retired, dead or disabled.

 The amount of the CDB payment is decided by  how much the parent worked and paid taxes, so it may be more money than SSI. If the payment is less than the SSI monthly amount, an adult can get both SSI and CDB payments.

When would I qualify for VA benefits?

You may qualify for VA benefits if your parent or stepparent is a veteran (was in the military) or servicemember (is still in the military).

What kind of benefits could I get?

As a dependent, you could qualify for health care, life insurance, employment counseling, or money to pay for school or work training. As a survivor, you could be eligible for survivor benefits. Ask your case manager or tell your guardian ad litem and/or attorney if you have one or the judge at your next court hearing if you think you may qualify for these benefits.

The Law

Wash. State Dep’t. of Soc. & Health Servs. v. Guardianship Estate of Keffeler, 537 U.S. 371, 42 U.S.C. 402, 423, 1382, 1383

FosterPower provides information on the benefits, protections, and legal rights of children in Florida’s foster care system and does not include opinions. FosterPower is a non-partisan and independent project that is not affiliated with a government agency or organization. FosterPower is updated frequently, but you should always verify the law independently to ensure it is current.

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