Taylor Sartor is a Senior Attorney at the L. David Shear Children’s Law Center where she represents youth in foster care in dependency proceedings and in the education setting. Taylor focuses on issues related to human trafficking, disabilities, commitment in psychiatric facilities, aging out of foster care, school to prison pipeline prevention, systemic impact advocacy and litigation, and more. Taylor is also the Creator and Legal Director of FosterPower, a movement to improve the lives and futures of youth in foster care by creating access to information on their benefits, protections, and legal rights. Taylor served as an Equal Justice Works Fellow at the Children’s Law Center from 2018-2020 where she specialized in representing youth in group home care and successfully advocated for over 85 percent of her clients to transition into family-like settings. Taylor received a bachelor’s degree in English literature, magna cum laude, from Florida State University in 2014. She earned her Juris Doctor with a Certificate of Concentration in Social Justice Advocacy from Stetson University College of Law in 2018. Taylor is the founder of the organization Child Advocates of Stetson Law.
FosterPower is a movement to improve the lives and futures of youth in foster care by creating access to information on their benefits, protections, and legal rights. FosterPower is a program created and managed by Bay Area Legal Services.
FosterPower provides information on the benefits, protections, and legal rights of children in Florida’s foster care system and does not include opinions. FosterPower is a non-partisan and independent project that is not affiliated with a government agency or organization. FosterPower is updated frequently, but you should always verify the law independently to ensure it is current.
The content in this app is legal information and not legal advice. If you need legal advice on your specific situation then you should contact a lawyer.
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