Placement with Siblings

Will I get to live with my siblings?

The Department should make all efforts to find a home for you and your siblings to live in together

What if I am not placed with my siblings?

The Department must make sure you can keep in contact with them if you are not placed in the same home. They must make sure you get to visit often with your siblings and that it begin no more than 72 hours of being removed

A picture of an adorable blue cartoon pit bull named Scrappy.

SCRAPPY TIP: Tell your case manager and the judge if you want to live with your siblings.

At least once every 6 months, the Department must take another look at your placement and visitation with your sibling if you are not living with, visiting, or contacting your sibling. If you can be placed with your sibling and it would be good for you and your siblings to be together, the transition to placement with your siblings should take place slowly.

How will I know where my siblings are if we are separated?

Your case manager should give you the contact information for your siblings right away if you are placed in separate homes.

Will I get to see my siblings if we are separated?

Yes, if you want to. If seeing them in person is not possible, you can contact your siblings through letters, e-mails, social media, cards, texts, or phone calls.

Can anyone stop me from talking to or seeing my siblings as punishment?

No, no one can withhold contact with your siblings as punishment.

The Law

Fla Stat Sec 39.001, 39.402, 39.4024

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